Selasa, 16 Juli 2019

MYCRO - Thanks to the 21st century and Blockchain technology that helped overcome money dividends.

MYCRO - Thanks to the 21st century and Blockchain technology that helps us overcome now and money dividends.

How ........... Simple!

MYCRO- Time & Money Equalizer
Mycro will create innovative solutions for people with problems of time and money and determine the imbalance between time and money.

Money In addition, this will play an important role in decentralized peer-to-peer networks through easy-to-use mobile applications. Simple tasks in the short term can be sent free to the mycro network. Thus, helping someone find the right job. Therefore, one person has time, other money.

How will Mycro help you find work?
Mycro depends on special sorting functions. Both employees and service providers can show their preferences and value them based on interests. Thanks to the Mandiri Smart Learning Algorithm, which will sort the available job offers, taking into account the pre-selected preferences, job history and rankings generated from this. The employer finds all job offers that are sorted individually in the Mobile Application. All of this is based on the user manual or surface, which is comparable to a network such as Tinder. The employer must do it

In return for getting the necessary tasks, Mycro users only pay 2% to use the fully decentralized version of Mycro, which is 28% less than other networks available on the market today.

Type of work
The Mycro Mobile application will be useful for finding jobs in the following categories:
The mobile application will be available for Android and iOS versions.

The control panel will have an easy-to-use interface and can only be accessed by cellphone for publications and for job searches.

Mycro network
In general, the mycro network includes the following components, which makes it one of the best decentralized networks to maintain a balance of time and money. These components are as follows:
Market potential
According to a study by McKinsey

The percentage of casual workers in the United States is usually 30% or more. while some time ago Union of Freelancers and Upwork published a study showing that 35% of the US workforce had taken the lead

part time or full time, and it is estimated that with the increase in the number of digital technologies and liberalization, the percentage of 30% of casual workers can also be achieved in other regions.

Market potential
According to a study by McKinsey

The percentage of casual workers in the United States is usually 30% or more. while some time ago Union of Freelancers and Upwork published a study showing that 35% of the US workforce had taken the lead

part time or full time, and it is estimated that with the increase in the number of digital technologies and liberalization, the percentage of 30% of casual workers can also be achieved in other regions.

For information about (mycro), please see and learn the video below:


Stage 01:
Initial Concept - Micro
Team and company - establishment of Mycro.Jobs GmbH and development of the core team, development of white paper, legal review of marker design
MVP - started developing MVP, launched a website that was whitelisted
Online ICO website,
Contract Ready for Crowdsale Ready
Q3 / 2018
Private sales for strategic partners with long-term project value
Q4 / 2018
Pre-sales for "early investors"
Q4 / 2018
The main sales are ICO, capital purchases for Mycro network development and Roadmap implementation

Phase 02:
Q1 / 2019
Register for MYO Exchange -
We will work on the MYO list on the appropriate top exchange
Q1 / 2019
Launch of MVP software -
Local Market (Germany)
Q3 / 2019
National launch -
Applications must be launched in German cities such as Berlin, Munich, Hamburg and in German-speaking cities in Switzerland and Austria.
Q1 / 2020
European launch -
Applications must be launched in France, Spain, Sweden, Italy - preferably in Paris, Barcelona, ​​Stockholm and Rome
Q4 / 2020
Global Launch -
The application must be running
in Asia and the United States

Phase 03:
Start decentralization -
Gradual implementation of decentralized management mechanisms
Complete decentralization -
To manage an independent ecosystem (IPFS, Golem, Sonm), decentralized computing and storage facilities are used,


Total MOO: 100 000 000
A) Personal sales: (26%)
B) Primary pre-sales / sales: (40%)
C) Collection of bonuses for users: (12%)
D) Prize program: (5%)
E) Bonuses and advisors:
F) Team and founder: (9%)


A) 45% of marketing
B) 40%
Development, technology and payroll
C) 8% Banking and Cryptography
D) 7% Legal, consulting and administration


CEO and founder
Series of entrepreneurs, 20 years of experience, investors, construction companies
CMO and one of the founders
Serial entrepreneur since 2001, block chain lover, brand brand
Head of Communication
Community and social media managers, blockchain evangelists since 2011
Head of Software Development
Blockchain smart contract
Senior Software Developer
Blockchain, smart contract, iOS / Android
Chief Adviser
Lab25 co-founder, digital strategist
Chief Adviser
Co-founder of Lab25, business designer
Limechain Founder and CDO
Architekt Blockchain
Founder and CEO of Limechain
Blockchain Consultant
UX / UI designer
UX / UI designer
IOS / Android Software Developer
Web application for software developers
Web application for software developers
Social Network Manager
Good manager
Elite Dog University, Münster, soccer enthusiast


ICO Strategic Advisor
Head of Partnership and Business Development at Kraken Digital Asset Exchange
ICO Strategic Advisor
Expert ICO & STO since 5 years old and best-selling author
Legal advisor
Lawyer, Intellectual Property, IT Law
Financial Consultant
Tax Advisor and Professor FOT Münster
Business and Product Advisor
Eisbach Partners, Chief Operating Officer of (mitfahrzentrale - now blablacar)
Business and Product Advisor
Eisbach Partners, CTO of (mitfahrzentrale - now blablacar)
Business and Product Advisor
Eisbach Partners, Yahoo, CEO of (mitfahrzentrale - now blablacar)
ICO Asia Pacific Advisor
Technoprener with extensive experience in the APAC region.
ICO Consultant
Listing / rating specialist ICO and cryptoexchange, partner of DLT Capital.


For more  detail information about the MYCRO project go to the following link:

my name: eart planet

BTT profile url:


Senin, 27 Agustus 2018

Zeex can and will solve problems quickly, efficiently and elegantly.

Cryptocurrency space has many endemic problems, but one of the most persistent is the conversion of crypto into a product. Every time a cryptocurrency user wants to actually buy a product, they must navigate the incredible transactional friction to do so, and the vendor also has significant expenses and concerns by accepting cryptocurrency. Even with popular payment methods such as Bitpay, fees can be largely due to conversion to fiat currency and partly due to transaction costs.

We all like cryptocurrency but it's hard to use for real life basics like buying coffee at Starbucks, online concert tickets, or shopping on Amazon. Currently the main choice is selling on the exchange, converting to fiat and paying for large and attractive trades and withdrawal fees or searching for services that allow you to use crypto only with expensive transaction fees. Let's agree that the prospect is rather bleak. Economists call this sad transactional friction. This term includes all costs involved in making a purchase.


Promising (but imperfect) market

Despite many advantages, fast propagation and revolutionary implications, cryptocurrency suffered significant losses. The first is the lack of fungibility: cryptocurrency has not been easily converted into goods and services that people really want.

Conversely, gift cards and vouchers, for example, are ready to be converted into goods and services. Indeed, that's their main goal. However, some losses also affect these vouchers, such as difficult transfers between holders because of the high risk of multiple fees, and the demand for gift cards exceeds supply.

Here, we describe this currency and the friction involved in changing them, the Zeex Protocol solves this problem by connecting cryptocurrency with the company's currency. Because corporate currency is not technically money, we can exchange it for cryptocurrency without going through fiat by using ZIX ERC20 tokens as collateral to verify transactions in real-time and eliminate costs, Zeex can and will solve problems quickly, efficiently and elegantly.

Here at Zeex, we have built a platform that allows you to use your crypto to buy goods without paying fees or replacing them to Fiat. Instead of rediscovering the wheel that composes ways to pay for items with cryptocurrency, Zeex decides to work with vendors using the currency they know best, a gift card. Yes, gift cards, even though we call them corporate currencies.

Zeex advantages

To realize its vision of revolutionizing trade by combining cryptocurrency with daily consumption, Zeex has formulated three concrete and consecutive visions, namely: Tap, Engage, and Disturb.

Encouragement refers to overcoming what might be the biggest obstacle to widespread adoption and use of cryptocurrency - finally - turning cryptocurrency into a payment method for everyday goods and services. He did it by making cryptocurrency seamless and easily converted into gift cards and retail vouchers with the Zeex protocol. This solution brings cryptocurrency into the real economy and paves the way for direct payments through cryptocurrency.

Engaging involves integrating Zeex into the user's daily crypto wallet. After they can spend crypto as easily as other payment methods, the community will feel at home and feel comfortable. Attending vendor needs as well, Zeex offers exclusive fraud protection technology. Zeex also offers vendors the benefits they can find elsewhere with the same quality and quantity: data about how stores and cryptocurrency stores are held.

The final step is annoying, which in this case means bringing your own gift card to the blockchain. Given that gift cards only apply to other types of currencies - one vendor publishes them themselves - blockchain technology can change its usage and distribution as it is done with fiat currency. Disrupting means not only giving crypto holders access to the consumer market, but also giving vendors direct access to their customers who hold crypto.

To realize this vision, Zeex refers to a number of assets. Vitally, Zeex is the twin company of Zeek Group, the leading market in Europe for buying and selling gift cards, which maintains close relationships with branded retailers and has grown tenfold over the past two years. Collaboration with Zeek guarantees access to high demand supplies for early token buyers thanks to Zeek's commitment to the millions of dollar gift cards that make tokens immediately converted. In addition, the same leadership team that launched Zeek as a successful venture also developed Zeex, and Zeex also did it to secure stable funding from leading VC supporters and has developed a native application palette that is scheduled for fast availability on various platforms.

The core element of the Zeex solution is the ZIX token, which serves three main functions. First, the token functions as a login method, unlocking the door to the Zeex platform. Second, it is enough to determine who can do what and when the type of transaction is based on discounted rates and advertised offers. Third, this includes the transactional risk of the user until the trade is completed, eliminating the intermediary. These functions operate automatically thanks to the smart contract conditions embedded in the Zeex protocol.

Utility Token

Zeex will offer the lifetime priority of ZIX token owners for corporate currencies discounted above other users, based on the offer catalog

Among other utilities, ZIX token owners will have the right to:

Priority - When there is more demand than a very desirable asset supply, Zix token owners will have priority over other users to secure assets.
Zix Tokens promise not to wait long for transactions to be deleted, their tokens will be used as collateral to ensure immediate settlement.
Owners of Zix Login tokens will have the ability to enter Zeex safely and anonymously use their tokens.

Soft Cap: 14M USD

Hard Cap: 23 million USD

Cost: 1ETH = 5,000 ZIX

Token Sales Date: Q3 / 2018

Minimum contribution amount: 100 USD at ETH

Token contract address:

Token Allocation & Usage Allocation




visit the ZEEX link below for more information:

JN Thread:

eart planrt

Bitcointalk LINK profile:;u=1415348


Kamis, 02 Agustus 2018

GEM4ME, optimaliseer die gebruiker se besigheidsprosesplatform en automatiseer sy finansiële bestuursproses

Gem4me Reviews

Tegnologie wat besigheidskepping en -ontwikkeling veilig, maklik om te verstaan ​​en bekostigbaar maak.

Smart Chat Bot

Geïntegreerde slim chat-bot tegnologie wat die kernbesigheidsprosesse van deelnemers in die Gem4me Market Space-ekosisteem outomatiseer
Kunsmatige intelligensie. En ook
Gem4me Market Space - Die vinnigste mark in die wêreld. Koop verkoop Bou jou besigheid.

AI Technology, wat die gebruiker se besigheidsprosesplatform optimaliseer en sy finansiële bestuursproses outomatiseer

Blok tegnologie

Laat die decentralisering van Permata Edelsteenmarkwerk toe, asook die vermindering van transaksiekoste en om besigheidsprosesse regtig deursigtig te maak.
Gemme Ad
Grootskaalse intra-platform adverteer dienste gebou met kunsmatige intelligensie tegnologie stel Pasar Permata Ruang besigheids gebruikers in staat om grootskaalse advertensie- en promosieveldtogte te doen.
In die Gem4me-mark

Spasies kan:

1. Maak met behulp van kletsbotte stoor van verskillende groottes en soorte (insluitend een wat uit een produk bestaan).

Nie net bied produkte, maar ook alle vorme van dienste: tutors, opleiers, musiek onderwysers of astrologers.
Verkoop kaartjies, toere of huisitems.
Plaas 'n groot winkel met duisende produkte en klaskamers om met kliënte te kommunikeer.
Met behulp van AI is dit maklik om die regte produk in 'n ander winkel te vind.
Handel buite jou stad, streek en land.
Vind nabygeleë restaurante, bekyk die spyskaart en bespreek 'n tafel.
Koop items vir geënkripteerde geldeenhede.
Kry analise om geënkripteerde geldeenhede te hanteer.
Kry geld terug vir persoonlike aankope.
GEM4ME - Premium messenger met 5 miljoen gebruikers in 60 lande.
Gem4me Space Market Platform is ontwikkel op grond van die sender van Gem4me. Volgens die geprojekteerde groeikoerse sal die aantal gesante van gebruikers teen die einde van 2018 en 200 miljoen teen die einde van 2019 50 miljoen bereik.

Smart Wallet:

Betalingstelsel vir die berging, uitruil en bestuur van finansiële bates in fiat valuta en enkripsie, verifikasie van die individuele klassifikasiestelsel, asook die moontlikheid om deel te neem aan krediet- en getrouheidsprogramme.

Crypto / Fiat diens
stel u in staat om bedrywighede te doen vir die inskrywing, onttrekking, opberging en uitruil van finansiële bates in Fiat en Crypto.
Crypto CashBack-dienste
Verder stimuleer kopers herhaalde aankope.

GMC Token
Die GMC-token brei die vermoëns van die Crypto / Fiat-diens uit: dit is nie net 'n betaalmiddel nie, maar ook 'n persoonlikheidskontrole, sortering, koper en verkoper geloofwaardigheid.
Tekens van analitiese handel in kriptografie
sal toelaat dat kliënte seine van professionele handelaars ontvang vir die aankoop en verkoop van basiese tipes geënkripteerde geldeenhede. Die diens is nuttig vir beide beginner en professionele spelers.

Muntstukke Gem4me (GMC)
Simboliese prys 0,1 USD (vir die hele duur van die simboliese verkoop)
Voorskotte Bonus: 1% -40% van die totale tokens verkoop
Betaalmetodes: BTC, ETH, DASH, BCC,
LTC, XRP, XMR en USD (via overschrijving)

Geslote voorverkoop begin datum: 10 Mei 2018
Einde van voorverkoping gesluit: 30 Junie 2018
Voorafverkoping begin datum: 1 Julie 2018
Einde van openbare voorverkoping: 14 Augustus 2018
Begin van die simboliese verkoop: 15 Augustus 2018
Einde van die simboliese verkoop: 20 September 2018
Uitreikingsdatum: 15 Oktober 2018



Vir meer inligting oor ICO Gem4me:

Tegniese dokumentasie:

eart planrt
Profiel van BTT URL:

Sabtu, 28 Juli 2018

Humancoin Foundation vil kunne integrere velgørenhedsindustrien, kryptotermarkedet og e-handel i et projekt.

Det har vist sig, at et stort antal mennesker afstår fra deres ændringer på gaden og endda giver impulsive donationer til velgørende organisationer regelmæssigt.
Velgørenhed er noget, som folk gør regelmæssigt, men det mest overraskende er, at den teknologiske udvikling ikke fuldt ud er blevet anvendt til velgørenhed. Det eneste ekstraordinære tilfælde er den rolle, som kloster har brugt for to hundrede år siden, og denne metode accepteres nu af filantropiske fundamenter.

Den tilknyttede P2P internet platform og blokchain teknologi indbrud bidrager til at løse store problemer i branchen, og også give en stærk impuls til videre udvikling.
Her er nogle måder at blockchain-platforme kan tilbyde hjælp.
• Donorer vil være i stand til at overvåge transaktioner for at sikre, at deres midler anvendes korrekt, som forventet.

• Velgørende organisationer vil også kunne demonstrere retfærdighed og tydeligt vise, hvordan de bruger de midler, de yder.

• Betalingssystemet vil blive forenklet, og problemer relateret til krypteringsvalutaomregning vil blive løst.

• Transaktionsomkostningerne kan reduceres ved automatisering af alle processer.


Der er ingen tvivl om, at der er store udviklinger i, hvordan man donerer, men selv for dette formål kan velgørende filialer ikke overvinde den største hindring, nemlig manglende tillid.
Donorer, hvoraf mange er private virksomheder, står over for spørgsmålet om tillid, ofre, fordi der ikke er nogen måde at fastslå, om midlerne vil modtage ud på tid.
Det blev også fundet, at de fleste donerede midler blev opbevaret som administrationsudgifter, som normalt bruges til velgørende fonde.
Driftsomkostninger er også et stort problem, da de fleste individer og virksomheder normalt skal bruge deres gode hensigter til sidst for at dække transaktionsomkostninger for transaktioner.


Langsigtede velgørenhedskæder bestående af banker, ngo'er, statslige agenturer og advokatfirmaer vil blive udstyret med distribueret bogteknologi. Brug af en blockchain platform kan give en digital mekanisme, der vil blive brugt til at registrere og se eventuelle transaktioner.

Denne nye teknologi i større målestok vil også lette udviklingen af ​​en direkte finansieringsplatform. Filantropister har også stor gavn af automatiserede intellektuelle kontrakter, da dette giver mulighed for, at støttemodtagere kan bruge deres midler, når de med succes har overvundet så mange betingelser.

Velgørenhedsindustriens vækst vil stige betydeligt på grund af de enorme fordele, som blockchain-teknologien kan tilbyde.


I velgørenhedsaspektet er der flere tilgængelige blockbuster-projekter, og nogle af dem omfatter, hjælp, raffinering, bcharity osv. Disse projekter er kun i niche eller lokale bestræbelser, der ikke fungerer uden for den filantropiske industri.

Humancoin Foundation vil kunne integrere velgørenhedsindustrien, kryptotermarkedet og e-handel i et projekt.
Denne type økosystem vil kunne give nye incitamenter til donorer, hvilket giver dem mulighed for at drage fordel af de mange loyalitetsprogrammer, der findes over hele verden.


• Omregningen af ​​Humancoin token vil være meget let at konvertere til ethvert punkt, mile, bonus og kupon. Ejeren af ​​denne token vil blive opfordret til at opbevare tokens i lang tid, der vil være en fast anmodning om et token.

• Markørets popularitet vil vokse, da antallet af partnere og samarbejdet i Humancoin-nettet vokser.

• Overkommeligt bevis på velgørenhed, som er minedrift, vil gøre det muligt for projekter at skalere i hundredvis og tusindvis af gange.


• Dette vil være det første blok-link, der nogensinde kunne være en aggregator af det globale e-handels loyalitetsprogram.

• Skilte vil have en unik fordel ved at udvikle et loyalitetsprogram med partnere, som skaber stærk følelsesmæssig resonans på grund af deres forhold til filantropi.
• I stedet for at konkurrere med andre eksisterende programmer, bliver Humancoin token let integreret i eksisterende systemer, kun den krævede konverteringsfrekvens er påkrævet.

Den store destruktive fordel ved menneskelige mønter er, at blockchain-projektet for første gang vil have et projekt, der potentielt kan være en global aggregerer af mange af de loyalitetsprogrammer, der vil opstå inden for elektronikområdet.


Humancoin ikonet, der vil blive købt under salget af markøren, vil have værdien af ​​loyalitetspris lotteriet, hvilket betyder, at de kan bruges til at få rabat hos Humancoin partnere, og de kan også sælges på krypto-børser.
Ved afslutningen af ​​salget af markøren vil influenzamarkøren være tilgængelig for køb, og de kan også opnås eller opnås med en lige stor andel i enhver donation halvdelen af ​​den vejede gennemsnitskurs.


Dette er en eksisterende p2p platform og et økosystem, hvor donorer, modtagere og e-handels spillere vil deltage.
Interfacet på denne platform giver deltagerne mulighed for hurtigt at sende donationer til ethvert land med en populær valuta, som giver dig mulighed for at spore transaktioner og design velgørenhedsprojekter.
Humancoin platformen er designet specielt til at lette interaktionsprocessen, og det vil i vid udstrækning ske mellem filantrop og modtagere.

TOKEN salg


Forsalg afholdes fra 1. juli til 15. august 2018.
Token salget finder sted fra 15. september til 1. november 2018.
Det forventes, at tokens vil vokse $ 1 pr. Minut.
Softcap vil være $ 6 pr. Minut.
Hardcap vil være $ 26 per minut.
De tilgængelige mønter er 3 055 000 000.
Forsalg vil være 150.000.000 med 50% bonus.
I første fase vil salget af tokens blive 945 000 000 med en bonus på 35%.
Anden fase for token salg vil være 960 000 000, og han vil få 20% af bonusen.
Den tredje fase for token salg vil være med en 0% bonus.
Eventuelle andre tokens, der forbliver usolgte, vil blive brændt.
Token vil blive allokeret til en privat brugerkonto, og distributionen vil blive udført efter token-salget, og den vil blive opført i den populære krypto bytte liste.



Forsalg afholdes fra 1. juli til 15. august 2018.
Token salget finder sted fra 15. september til 1. november 2018.
Det forventes, at tokens vil vokse $ 1 pr. Minut.
Softcap vil være $ 6 pr. Minut.
Hardcap vil være $ 26 per minut.
De tilgængelige mønter er 3 055 000 000.
Forsalg vil være 150.000.000 med 50% bonus.
I første fase vil salget af tokens blive 945 000 000 med en bonus på 35%.
Anden fase for token salg vil være 960 000 000, og han vil få 20% af bonusen.
Den tredje fase for token salg vil være med en 0% bonus.
Eventuelle andre tokens, der forbliver usolgte, vil blive brændt.
Token vil blive allokeret til en privat brugerkonto, og distributionen vil blive udført efter token-salget, og den vil blive opført i den populære krypto bytte liste.



fra forfatteren: eart planrt
bitcointalk profil link:


Senin, 23 April 2018

(Invox Finance)不僅帶來了開放性,而且還具有使發票融資風險較小且有利可圖的強大功能。

INVOX FINANCE是一個為發票融資概念帶來透明度的平台。這是一個分散式的點對點發票貸款平台,允許賣家,買家,投資者和其他服務提供商直接相互合作為發票提供融資。該平台採用Blockchain技術構建,使其透明且無紙化。這不僅帶來了開放性,而且帶來了良好的功能,這可以降低發票融資的風險並為所有相關方帶來更多利益。該平台旨在通過提高各方之間的透明度和令人滿意的表現來創造互信的環境。


使用Invox創建的這個系統有很多好處。分散職能使買家,賣家和投資者能夠輕鬆地進行交流,分享和聯繫。與傳統方法相比,平台應該允許賣家降低融資利率。它還使投資者能夠直接輕鬆訪問。這種類型的投資通常只適用於大型銀行或金融公司。這個平台將向許多希望將其添加到投資組合的新投資者開放。 Invox還可以為第三方應用程序服務提供商集成API,如身份驗證。

將會有一個Invox令牌。 這將使用以太坊網絡。 該令牌將用於獎勵使用該系統的賣家和買家。 此外,該令牌將用於通過受信任的成員計劃訪問平台。 每年需要支付一定數量的代幣作為會員資格。

INVOX FINANCE Token預售將於2018年3月15日開始,並持續至2018年3月24日。銷售總額中有55%可用於出售。 主要ICO從2018年4月15日開始,一直持續到2018年5月12日。所收集資金的45%將用於平台營銷,而20%將用於投資基金。


INVOX FINANCE在各自領域擁有經驗豐富的團隊成員。 與團隊見面;

很明顯,你的顧問的狀態說明了你的項目有多重要,以及它成功的可能性。 無需多言,與諮詢委員會會面;

我無法在單篇文章中寫出這個偉大項目的每一個獨特功能。 我所做的只是項目想法的總結。 有關該項目的更多詳細信息,請訪問以下網站;


博客作者:eart planet

Kamis, 19 April 2018



Goldiam是區塊鏈中黃金和鑽石的未來。借助Goldiam,您現在可以購買黃金和/或鑽石(鑽石),同時保持區塊鏈的優勢。黃金和鑽石現在可以使用硬幣來加密貨幣 - Goldiam硬幣在您的家中購買。黃金可以附在你的門上,也可以安全地存放在你的Goldiam錢包裡。另外,你只需要拿著Goldiam硬幣就可以獲得獎勵。不僅如此,Goldiam允許您在世界的任何地方發送或接收Goldiam硬幣,並將它們轉換為您選擇的貨幣。因此,貨幣可以轉換為其他數字貨幣甚至法定貨幣。


Goldiam讓你使用硬幣購買黃金和鑽石 - Goldiam硬幣。借助黃金和鑽石平台,您現在可以購買這些資產或將它們存儲在錢包中,或者在必要時刪除它們。您必須將帶有安全許可證的黃金或鑽石(鑽石)送到您的家中。因此,投資Goldiam是完全無風險的。

GoldiamBox讓你無需做任何事就可以賺錢。所有你需要做的是保持貨幣至少一個月,你會得到獎勵。 Goldiam獎勵用戶擁有的每種貨幣,獎品立即可用。所以你有很多方法來使用你的投資。你可以從黃金和鑽石中受益,或者你可以從Goldiam硬幣獲得獎金。





Cryptocurrency Exchange:
Goldiam Cryptocurrency Platform允許您在必要時用其他貨幣兌換硬幣或兌換它們。










價格1 ETH = 1300 GOL
軟蓋2000 ETH
安全帽17.000 ETH


Murad Raja - 創始人兼首席執行官
Nenad Balog - 首席技術官
Aleksandar Djordjevic - 全棧首席開發人員
麗迪雅卡拉OK - 撰稿人
Milos Lonkar - 開發人員/ CMO
Dragana Krstic - 平面設計師
Nikola Miloradovic - Web / Blockchain開發人員
Pankaj Sharma - 營銷主管
Sarah Kristovich - 開發人員
Nasser Mahmoud - 軟件工程師
Talha Yousef - Blockchin的開發人員
Sadia Shorfa - 項目經理
Ferial Qazi - 高級研究分析師
Qar Ahmed - 金融分析師
Arslan Omran - 前端開發人員
Radwan El Din - 網頁開發人員
Fahad Aziz - 移動應用程序開發人員
Avdal Akram - 平面設計師
Zainab Ghafour - QA工程師
Walid Al-Masoudi - 顧問
Aaron Tiroli - 輔導員
Bosco Nectarijevich - 顧問
Daniella Nikolic - 支持者
Philippe Neboysa Starkevich - 參贊
Ivan Besic - 參贊
約翰·博斯尼奇 - 參贊
弗拉基米爾馬特科 - 參贊
Meladin Bozovic - 參贊
Mirjana Tomic - 參贊
Predrag Milovanovic - 輔導員
Mohamed Radwan - 顧問
Russel Paige - Blocchin顧問
Ozer Aftab - 業務發展經理






Selasa, 17 April 2018

(eCoinomic) prvi je put predstavio platformu za blokiranje kreativnih ideja na ekonomskom tržištu s platformom za digitalnu razmjenu

Šta je
eCoinomic prvi put predstavljen na platformu blokova kreativnih ideja na tržište eCoinomic simboličke ekonomije koje mogu pokrenuti, a također služi kao platforma za razmjenu digital.eCoinomic nove platforme za trgovanje na osnovu tehnike koje mijenjaju funkciju blockchain uspješne financijske ekosistema.

Ovaj sistem, koristeći odgovarajući proizvod platforme, biće sredstvo za podršku izuzetnom procesu pregovaranja imovine. Pored toga, ova platforma koristi sopstveni kodni metod, nazvan Token Transactions. Programer je princ

Garancije na kreditnom tržištu mogu promijeniti vrstu osiguranja novih pozicija, jer kripto valencija čini veliki skok.

Distribuirani projekti koji imaju vrijednu vrijednost za potencijalne investitore i investitore su među projektima koji ubrzavaju fluktuaciju razmjena digitalnih sredstava ranije ove godine. mreža definiciji, koristeći jedinstvenu temu na drugu platformu koja blokira lanac u svijetu, sa značajnim dobicima u proces investiranja je premašio vrijednost ravnoteže i transakcija na tržištu kapitala moderne digitalne imovine. ECoinomic za ličnu transakciju prvi je predstavio platformu blok kustora kreativnih ideja na tržištu simboličke ekonomske ekonomije koja se može pokrenuti, platforma za digitalnu razmjenu.

na open-source sistem za investitore open-source bazi ikona je direktna ulaganja eCoinomic, rezultat izvrsne performanse i ideje i dobro iskustvo sa blockchain industrije. Kompanija je jedna od prvih platformi proizvedenih u blokovima, ekonomsku slabost koju mnogi ljudi širom svijeta slažu u konceptu zajedničkog ulaganja kao blokirajuće platforme za investitore. Kompanija će učestvovati u ključnim tačkama eKoinomske platforme najpriznatijih investitora za pokretanje kompanija i potencijalnih investitora na ovoj platformi.

To je izvor prihoda koji stvara ravnotežu bilansa ekosistema koji međusobno podržavaju između klijenata i eCoinomske platforme kako bi odgovorili na ove uslove usluge. U tom slučaju, ako investitor je ključni ekonomski koncept broja opcija o doprinosu prosječne kapitalnih investicija, to će biti distribuirana investitorima u simbolu prodaje koji želite iskoristiti ovu platformu. Priliku da se vode na sljedeći projekt, posvećen mnogo napora da blokiraju sigurnog i legalnu trgovinu duvana i imenovanje projekta u industrijskoj lanac, balansiranje sistema analizira taktiku i ideje koje mnogi čine njihovi investitori. Blok blok platforme distribuira eKoinomske ciljeve za izgradnju investicija koje utiču na pozitivne aspekte upravljanja fondovima uloženim u ovu platformu. Drugim riječima, ova platforma je gdje investitori širom svijeta.

Mnogi eCoinomics dominiraju tržištem, i komercijalne enkripciju kompanije sa određenim funkcijama u kojima postoji tržište i tržište kodiranje u velike kompanije na početku godine je ostvario veliki uspjeh. Empresa eCoinomic će biti moja budućnost. Suočavanje sa ovim svetom kriptologa ima smisla za kompanije koje su komercijalno šifrovane, bez obzira na kurs i kursne fluktuacije. Zaštiti sistem od ulaganja. Naravno, ovo je katastrofa koja će biti smrtonosna za uništavanje kompanije. Raspodela investicionih fondova na blok platformi za investitore širom sveta je efikasna filozofija koju ova platforma nudi. Ove godine, sa vizijom i koncept obostrano korisne poslovne između vlasnika projekta i vlasnik tokena, mnoge kompanije u naučnom svijetu kriptografije mnogi kompanije koje imaju jedinstvene karakteristike i kreativnost koja je komercijalizovao, to može biti jedna od tačaka uspjeh u društvu proširiti trgovinu postignut. ,

6 eKoinomski vrhovi

Dit bedrijf heeft een zeer speciale commerciële waarde in elke uitwisseling. Verschaffing van faciliteiten voor potentiële investeerders, al dan niet versleuteld, maar een ervan kan in de wereld worden geclassificeerd en biedt tegelijkertijd duidelijke en gedetailleerde informatie, waarbij echte aandacht wordt besteed aan de toekomst van investeerders. Dit is een routekaart die laat kijken mogelijk maakt. Als u op zoek bent naar een markt als plaats om over valutamogelijkheden te onderhandelen, is dit een oplossing die kan worden beschouwd als een van de belangrijkste handelsopties voor marktcodering op basis van een ketenblokplatform. Het nieuwste technologieblokplatform eCoinomic-keten Dit is een van de commerciële valutamarkten, is de uitwisseling van encryptie door het marktdemocratiseringssysteem, wat grote voordelen biedt voor aandeelhouders. Niet alleen dat eCoinomic Here, andere markten Er zijn voordelen die kunnen worden verklaard als een plaats om in plaats daarvan te handelen met cryptografie.

Dit bedrijf heeft een zeer speciale commerciële waarde in elke uitwisseling. Verschaffing van faciliteiten voor potentiële investeerders, al dan niet versleuteld, maar een ervan kan in de wereld worden geclassificeerd en biedt tegelijkertijd duidelijke en gedetailleerde informatie, waarbij echte aandacht wordt besteed aan de toekomst van investeerders. Dit is een routekaart die laat kijken mogelijk maakt. Als u op zoek bent naar een markt als plaats om over valutamogelijkheden te onderhandelen, is dit een oplossing die kan worden beschouwd als een van de belangrijkste handelsopties voor marktcodering op basis van een ketenblokplatform. Het nieuwste technologieblokplatform eCoinomic-keten Dit is een van de commerciële valutamarkten, is de uitwisseling van encryptie door het marktdemocratiseringssysteem, wat grote voordelen biedt voor aandeelhouders. Niet alleen dat eCoinomic Here, andere markten Er zijn voordelen die kunnen worden verklaard als een plaats om in plaats daarvan te handelen met cryptografie.

Het demonstreren van de eCoinomic-markt is een nieuw handelsplatform gebaseerd op een succesvolle blockchain-techniek die het functioneren van een financieel ecosysteem verandert. Dit systeem, door gebruik te maken van geschikte producten van het platform, zal een middel zijn om een ​​uitzonderlijk onderhandelingsproces over activa te ondersteunen. Bovendien gebruikt dit platform ook zijn eigen coderingsmethode, token-transacties genoemd. Ontwikkelaars verwachten grote liquiditeitsdoelen te kunnen creëren om tactische operaties te behouden om de voordelen van een verzender te bereiken. Het doel van dit platform is om een ​​leider te worden met behulp van blockchain-technologie om verschillende financiële activa te transformeren. Als u besluit om deel te nemen aan deze onderhandelingssite, met creatieve ideeën en ervaring met vestiging, blijven we investeren en handelen, en we zullen zeker in staat zijn om geweldige inkomsten en winst te bieden.

Als een platform van de eerste generatie dat oplossingen biedt voor toekomstige platforms, is de exacte tijd dat eCoinomic mogelijk geen probleem investeerder is, ook vanwege de schaal van verandering en codering van coderingsmarktprijzen, dit platform door potentiële gebruikers. Ze moeten klaar zijn om automatische meldingen op mobiele apparaten te ontvangen. Zonder zijn activiteiten te minimaliseren, is het doel niet alleen ecosystemen met een concept van wederzijds voordeel tussen verkopers en gebruikers, het is het opbouwen van een platform dat duurzaamheidsstabiliteit op een duurzame manier kan ondersteunen. Voltooi de meeste beleggerskwesties die u vaak tegenkomt om de eCoinomic-prestaties te verbeteren en te voltooien en slimme oplossingen te bieden met platforms die gemakkelijk toegang hebben tot uw account.

Lees mijn lieve lezers om door te gaan naar de officiële website voor meer informatie hieronder:


AUTEUR: eart plnrt


ETH: 0xcb5663e9745f54FC9E0aD861Ce45e88e47272381

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